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This is an opportunity for all students to feed back on number of different topics. If anything is less than ‘satisfactory’ or ‘satisfied’ we require a comment. By completing this survey you can inspire change – your feedback will help us to improve Greene’s, making the experience even better for you and future students.

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(E.g. tutor subject knowledge)
Very dissatisfiedNot satisfiedNeither satisfied nor dissatisfiedSatisfiedVery Satisfied

(E.g. do your tutorials start on time, and is your tutor prepared)
Very dissatisfiedNot satisfiedNeither satisfied nor dissatisfiedSatisfiedVery Satisfied

< 2 hours2-3 hours3-4 hours4-5 hours> 5 hours

Strongly disagreeDisagreeNeutralAgreeStrongly agree

No, not at allOnly sometimesYes, all the time

Not at all usefulNot so usefulSomewhat usefulVery usefulExtremely useful

Very dissatisfiedNot satisfiedNeither satisfied nor dissatisfiedSatisfiedVery Satisfied

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