Take a closer look at our most recent academic results.
- University destinations
- A level examination grades
- A level retakes
- Academic feedback
- Planning & testing
- Historical data
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Student results for 2023-24
University destinations for Greene’s students have included the universities of Oxford, Cambridge, University College London (UCL), King’s College London (KCL), Edinburgh, Warwick, Glasgow, Sheffield, Southampton, Cardiff, Birmingham, St. Andrew’s, and many more. In 2023/24, Greene’s students held offers for 20 of 24 of the Russell Group universities and 4 of 5 of the G5 universities.
Greene’s students have also been accepted into a number of international institutions, including the University of Illinois, Berklee (Boston), Colgate University, Utrecht, Groningen, IE Business School (Madrid) and Les Roches.
Greene’s has a long history of academic excellence. Since 2020, 43% of all grades awarded to Greene’s students have been A* or A grades. As a non-selective college we expect our A level examination results to track the national average of the number and proportion of students achieving particular A level grades for the U.K. However, Since 2020, we have exceeded the percentage of students in England to have received A* to A grades by 10%.
A level retakes
Since 2020, of those retaking A levels, 73% of grades have increased and 27% of grades have increased by at least two grades. In 2024, on a few occasions, students uplifted their grades by three to six grades with an average of one grade uplift.

39,000 tutorial reports will be submitted by our tutors this academic year. For over 5 decades Greene’s has provided courses of individual tuition using selected tutors who give feedback to students by way of a written report after each tutorial. These tutorial reports – named ‘slips’ as they were originally small slips of paper – are the main way in which students are able to measure their progress.
Via our online reporting software called Greene’s Online, these reports are available to students and their parents and include an assessment of progress towards targeted examination grades and the student’s performance during the tutorial. Students can follow their progress tutorial by tutorial.

Sixth form students are now able to use Greene’s Online to view study plans for each one of their courses so as to measure their progress towards completing their course on schedule. They are also able to see the marked scripts and results for all of their practice or trial examinations: a sixth form student at Greene’s can take up to four invigilated trial exams in each subject over the course of the year.
The combination of detailed study plans and trial exam results are key elements for students to understand whether or not they are on track to both complete their courses and achieve their targeted examination grades.

Historical data
The Universities of Oxford and Cambridge: Since 1967, Greene’s has helped over 1,000 students to achieve places at the University of Oxford and the University of Cambridge.
First-choice universities: Over the last nine years, almost 80% of all Greene’s students were admitted to their first-choice university. Over the last ten years, 69% of students were admitted into Russell Group universities, surpassing the national average percentage of student admittance (in a school or college) each year.
Student destinations include:
- University of Oxford
- University of Cambridge
- University of St. Andrew’s
- University College London (UCL)
- University of Durham
- University of Edinburgh
- University of Bristol
- University of Birmingham
- University of Loughborough
- University of Warwick
- University of Exeter
- Berklee College of Music (Boston)
- Colgate University
- Utretcht University
- University of Groningen
- IE Business School (Madrid)
- Les Roches
- University of Illinois
- And more.