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The transition from GCSEs, to A-Level, to university admissions, can be a difficult one. As students progress in their educational journey, circumstances may change that effect new priorities. As a result, you may be considering switching sixth form colleges in your final year. There are many questions to consider, but know that this is not at all uncommon, and can reap many benefits!

1. Should I move sixth forms?

Before delving into how you would move sixth forms, it is important to understand why you might want to switch. There are many reasons you may be seeking to make the change, including:

  • Dissatisfaction with your current educational environment;
  • Desire for a change in course;
  • Differing exam boards;
  • Family relocation;
  • Personal circumstances.

These are all factors to consider when searching for your new sixth form. For example, if you are unhappy with large classroom sizes, you may wish to consider a tutorial college. In this learning environment, classes would be taught individually or in small groups. Additionally, if you are looking to study a course your current college does not offer, you will want to make sure the appropriate staff and tutors are available at your new institution.

2. is it possible to move sixth forms?

Yes, changing sixth forms is a possibility and could be an option beneficial to you. Of course, it does largely depend on the institutions you are considering. While some sixth forms will be flexible, others may be more strict. Doing your research and communicating with your home and potential institutions is important and will make the process much easier! 

At Greene’s we enrol students at any point in the academic year- even mid-term!  We advise students to join in either the Autumn term (Michaelmas) or in the Spring term (Trinity) to allow for time to take examinations in the following season.

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3. How late is too late to switch A Levels?

Your ability to change A level subjects again will depend on the sixth form you are attending. Many sixth forms may allow you to switch within the first couple weeks of the course and others may offer even further flexibility. 

At Greene’s, students are  given flexible opportunities to switch A levels and cultivate an educational plan tailored to you. Of course, switching at certain times may affect your timeline of sitting examinations and your applications to university, but we are excited to work with students on a case by case basis.

4. Do universities care about your sixth form?

Short answer, no. Universities care about YOU! The grades you achieve are more important than the institution where you sit your examinations. If you move sixth forms, this is not a problem so long as you achieve the marks necessary for your course. Additionally, re-taking your A levels will also not serve as an impediment to university admissions. Many universities do accept A level resits- they are committed to seeing your full potential! For the University of Oxford’s policy see here. 

At Greene’s we are committed to helping students achieve their full potential and unlock the career or university course of their dreams. From GCSEs to A level retake tutoring, we provide individual or small group tuition designed to help you reach your goals.

5. consult with prospective sixth forms.

Before finalising any decisions, it is advisable to consult with your current sixth form and with your prospective institution. They may provide insights into potential solutions to the issues prompting your desire to transfer, or they might offer support to address concerns. 

While the idea of moving sixth forms in Year 13 may seem daunting, it is not an impossible or uncommon task. With careful consideration of your educational and personal goals, you can make an informed decision that is perfect for you. 

Interested in transferring? Greene’s offers transfer windows throughout the year, with many students choosing to join us online or in-person mid-way through any given term. Register your interest with us through the link below.

About Greene’s

Greene’s College Oxford is an independent sixth form college with campuses located in the heart of Oxford, U.K. and in Lisbon & Estoril, Portugal. Our educational philosophy is based on one simple assumption: if students’ education is tailored to suit their unique qualities and needs, they are more likely to be successful. Study at Greene’s College Oxford blends small group or individual tutorials, dynamic feedback on learning, and one-to-one weekly Personal Tutoring sessions to ensure all students have personalised guidance.


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