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Over the summer break – at the end of your first year of A level study – you should aim to complete most of the additional work that is needed for your university application. Each university application will be different and needs careful thought and preparation.

By completing all the work needed for your UK university applications over the summer break you are then ready to concentrate on your studies when you return in September and to obtain the grades you need.

Fundamentals of Greene’s UCAS application support

Choosing the right course: There are over 300 institutions of higher education in the U.K., which together offer over 50,000 different courses. We help you find courses that match your interests, career aspirations and talents.

Admissions tests: Some universities require students to pass an admissions test – often called aptitude tests – when applying for courses in certain subjects, in addition to A level or I.B. qualifications. We will ensure that you are guided throughout this process and are fully acquainted with the requirements of the tests.

Presentation of material: We will support you in completing your UK university applications and help you to present material, such as Personal Statements, enabling you to make the most of your achievements and cast yourself in the best light.

References: We will liaise with your teachers (past or present), current Greene’s tutors where relevant, employers and other individuals or organisations as appropriate. Your Director of Studies will assemble and moderate the various reports and comments, and the College Principal will then sign the reference.

Interview preparation: If you apply to Oxford, Cambridge, or to universities offering professional vocational courses such as Medicine or Veterinary science, you might be called to a selection interview. We provide you with advice on a variety of aspects of the interview, from body language to recommended reading.

Are you looking to apply to a U.K. University?

Greene’s can help to support your application, get in touch today.

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