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studying ancient history at greene’s

Studying A Level Ancient History at Greene’s involves delving into the rich political, social, economic, and cultural landscapes of the Greek and Roman worlds. These ancient civilisations are foundational to understanding how we conceive our own Western society. The course examines Athenian Greek and Roman societies through their literature, art, architecture, coins, and inscriptions.

what will you study?

Students will develop a broad interest in the ancient world’s military, political, religious, social, and cultural history. They will gain in-depth knowledge of selected periods, learn to analyze and evaluate historical evidence, and understand the significance of ancient events and figures. The course also covers historical debates, concepts like change and causation, and connections between different periods and societies. Through period and depth studies, students will explore Greek and Roman history providing a comprehensive and coherent understanding of the ancient past and the discipline of history.

Ancient History pairs well with various A Level subjects and is an excellent foundation for arts or humanities degrees. Students who enjoyed Ancient History at GCSE will find new material to explore at A Level, but prior experience is not required. All texts are studied in translation.


“Non est ad astra mollis e terris via” – “There is no easy way from the earth to the stars”

where can a level ancient history take you?

A level Ancient History opens doors to diverse career paths, including academia, heritage management, law, and business. Graduates can pursue roles as educators, researchers, archivists, or market analysts, using their deep understanding of classical heritage.

Important Information

Examination BoardOCR
GCSE RequirementsEnglish Language and History at GCSE
Prospective ModulesSparta and the Greek World; Athens and the Greek World; Macedon and the Greek World; Republic and Empire; The Eleven Caesars; Emperors and Empire

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